Fighting Cavities with fluoride

Fluoride helps the acid attack produced by bacteria in plaque on your teeth. Who can benefit from fluoride?
Infants and children with developing teeth- fluoride is carried beneath the gums to developing teeth
Children and adults whose teeth have erupted
The amount of fluoride needs to be just right. Too little can increase the risk of cavities, but too much can cause fluorosis white spots on teeth. Here are some things you can do to make sure kids get the right amount of fluoride:
Watch how much toothpaste kids use. Children younger than 3 should use no more than a smear of toothpaste about the size of a grain of rice. Anyone older should use a pea-sized amount;
Do not allow children younger than 6 years old to use fluoridated mouthrinses, unless prescribed by your dentist;
Spit out toothpastes and rinses;
Use fluoride supplements as directed by your dentist.
Where to get fluoride? The best sources of fluoride are fluoridated water, fluoride toothpastes and mouthrinses, and fluoride treatments from your dentist.
Fluoridated water
Most communities in CT add fluoride to the water to help prevent cavities. The ideal fluoride level is .7 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water (0.7 mg/L). About 75% of people in the US have fluoridated community water. If you have a well you can have it tested for fluoride or add fluoride supplements. Talk to your dentist about how much should be added.
Fluoride helps prevent cavities. Talk to us about the fluoride needs of your child.