More Than A Garnish: Great Parsley Recipe

Do you think of parsley as a decoration? For= resident chef Kathy Gust, parsley is so much more than the sum of its sprigs. Parsley plays an important part in Passover celebrations and often appears on Easter tables at well. Kathy joins hosts Robin Young and Jeremy Hobson to talk parsley and share these six recipes:

A traditional Argentinian sauce that is served with grilled foods—seafood, chicken, or beef or flank steak.

Kathy’s Note: A mixture of parsley, mint, capers, scallions, lemon juice and olive oil, this is a cross between a tart green sauce (salsa verde) and a classic Argentinean chimichurri sauce. Serve with a grilled vegetable platter or grilled chicken, pork, fish, or beef. This sauce can also be used as a marinade for meat or fish, and it’s great spooned into soups and salads.

Makes about 1 cup.

1 cup fresh Italian parsley leaves
1/2 cup fresh mint leaves
2 scallions, chopped (white and green parts)
3/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup drained capers
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
Sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
About 1/4 teaspoon red chile flakes

Put the parsley and mint in the container of a food processor and pulse once or twice until coarsely chopped. Add the scallions and pulse again. Add the oil, capers, lemon juice, and salt and pepper to taste, and blend until coarsely chopped. Place in a serving bowl and gently mix in the chile flakes to taste. The sauce can be covered and refrigerated for up to a day before serving.