Want Kids with Healthier Teeth? Eat Dinner Together

It is sad but true that many families don’t even eat a single meal together each day. We’re all so busy that parents may not always be home for dinner, leaving the kids to fend for themselves with whatever is leftover in the fridge. However, eating dinner together as a family every night may help your kids to have a healthier smile.

Choosing Healthier Foods for a Happier Smile
When the family eats together, you are likely to have a healthier meal than if everyone rummages through the cabinets separately. This gives you an opportunity to control at least one meal your kids have, and it can provide the opportunity to set the example in eating healthy foods.

Don’t forget to serve water with dinner. The kids have probably had an array of different drinks throughout the day, and they may not have all been healthy for teeth. By serving water at dinner, you provide a beverage that can wash away oral bacteria. Plus, it helps balance pH levels in the mouth – an important factor in fighting tooth decay.

Helping Kids in San Diego to Have a Brighter Smile
By controlling the last big meal of the day before bed, you help your children to avoid going to sleep with a mouthful of sugar that may not always properly get brushed out (although we hope it does).